Wednesday 11 December 2013


I recently showed the two visualisations to the class and had them crit the pieces and tell me what they thought. It all went smoothly and all the feedback was positive. Everybody liked what I showed and had nothing but nice things to say about it. This is good and bad I think. It's good because it means that my products are successful, professional and engaging however, it's bad because I don't have anything to work off and improve or focus on. There were a few points raised in the crit that people took issue with or thought could be improved but they were aspects I had already considered and once I justified my reasoning behind the choice they agreed with me. I will however, mention the points raised and how I justified the choice.

Jack Daniel's Branding:

Probably the most key point raised was that the Jack Daniel's branding on my app was't sufficient. My classmates thought that it needed tone more prominent and present in more aspects and screens of the app. I however, don't see it that way. The app I created is made to carry out something very specific and it's its own self contained thing. It is a historical music time machine and being constantly reminded of Jack Daniel's through their logo being placed like some kind of watermark would be frustrating and give the impression that whoever made the app regards the users intelligence along side that of a spoon. 

I think that it is considered somewhat of an insult when (especially if you payed for it) a product feels the need to constantly promote a sponsor or advertiser. I have included a pretty substantial section for Jack Daniel's on the home screen and I think that that does enough to serve the need to include the name. I don't really want to show them else where in the app as it will cheapen their input and after all the app just has to have connotations and links to the brand that you choose it doesn't have to whole heartedly promote the user to go out and buy shares in the company.

Punchline Scene in Promo:

This is something I too wanted to include however, time constraints and budget issues made it somewhat of a possibility. The class mentioned that having the promo cut to me in a 1930's bar looking bewildered would be the icing on the cake and I agree. However, it isn't really feasible. I would need costumes, actors, a set and a few seconds more time allowed in the promo as to keep the comic timing and pacing of the promo I can't cut enough out to include another shot. If the promo were longer I feel as though it is something I would definitely improve so it could be included in a longer version of the same advert if it were commissioned for real. This one is purely down to physical constraints and hold ups and something that I would otherwise have included, it was just simply not possible.

Text Illegibility:

This one was simply down to technical failings on the day. The point was that the text on the menu screen was difficult to read. This was drown to the projector. The colours on there are quite limited, it is over exposed and there is a lack of contrast due to the way it is set up. On the computer screen there is a subtle drop shadow that is visible and does just enough to separate the text detailing the time era's from the image behind it however, on the projector that didn't show up. I don't want to overdo the drop shadow though. It being subtle is sleek and aesthetically pleasing making it darker or with a larger spread I think will cheapen it. It is very clear on the computer screen and will be far clearer on the intended device of the iPad and iPhone.


So overall there were some good points raised however, they were mainly things that I had already considered and justified and I don't want to come across arrogant or egotistical it is just that I think that the design works the best as it is and none of these suggestions were really adding to it. I had already tried the first two in the early design process and decided against them and once I said these points in class the people who raised the points agreed with me so I feel as though there are just a few minor subtleties but nothing major to change.

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