Monday 4 February 2013

Pitch Feedback

I recently made a pitch to the class offering up the ideas I have had so far and how they have begun to materialise. I always look forward to this process because it allows me to gain an outside viewpoint for my ideas and gain an impartial, critical analysis.

Overall the feedback was very positive. A lot of my class mates were doing some of the more famous, American speeches so I think it was refreshing to show a different society and point in time as the speech I have chosen was made very late in the 20th century. All aspects of my delivery and construction of the pitch were all well received however, there was one major concern raised.

The main thing that a few people pointed out was that they were worried I was going to be a bit too literal with the final design (something that the brief tells you to avoid). I hadn't really noticed that until the pitch and so it was good to hear it from everyone as now I see it. I think that all the aesthetic and audio choices were supported but it is the content that I need to be careful with. It is definitely something to bare heavily in mind when constructing my storyboard and the trailer.

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