Friday 8 February 2013


The last few days I have done a lot of filming to place in the trailer. I feel as though I have stayed true to all of the themes and ideals I wanted to adhere to. It is elegant, simple, clean and pure. I shall place some raw, unedited images now to help illucidate my point:

As you can see all the shots are really simple and yet elegant. Some of the shots I got looked a little soft at full size and so I put these screenshots in Photoshop to do a little basic colour correction and grading. I also amended the aspect ratio to closer to a 2:1 ratio rather than the standard 16:9 as the more dramatic ratio gives it a much more cinematic look and helps to add panache.

I feel as though this grade really helps sell a elegant, simple look. I also really wanted the imagery to tie into Diana as a person. All the shots are quite simple and unassuming and yet, I think, powerful and emotive. These are exactly the things that Diana stood for as a symbol and a human being. She was quite subdued, peaceful and selfless yet was seen by the world as a global figure for charity and regality. I that the footage and this rough outline of a grade really go a long way to capture these themes and bring them to life. This emphasis on these ideas are not to garish and in your face either which I am really pleased with.

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