Thursday 8 November 2012

Crit for Poster No.1

I am going to discuss in this post each of the aspects my classmates and tutors put forward showing a before and after and then come to a decision on whether to take the advice or leave it explaining fully my reasons for doing so.

Suggestion #1 - The hills are too green:


The first suggestion I got was to make the green less intense on the hills at the bottom as it was quite vibrant and garish. I added a little red and took out a little blue from the mix in the green in both of the hills and I think it is a vast improvement. I hadn't really noticed before but after it was mentioned I definitely agreed with the point and so I am going to keep this change.

Suggestion #2 - Add a lake:


This was the second suggestion I got. It was to add a lake which the original poster had. The idea was to create depth and some separation from the trees to the mountain range in the background. I think that it really works. I was sceptical at first when I was originally creating the poster that it would look weird and not work at all however, after trying it out I think that it really works and so I am going to keep it in.

Suggestion #3 - Chat windows font:


This suggestion was that the font choice in the chat windows did't really accurately reflect Facebook chat and that I should try and sans serif font. This is the first suggestion I don't agree with. The sans serif font looks out of place and wrong. I think that the original script font I picked out really adds a personal touch and helps to bridge the gap between the modern, sharp chat window and the rustic, soft artwork beneath. I am going to stick to my script font.

Overall all of the suggestions I got for this poster were spot on apart from the one about the font in the chat window boxes and I found the crit was invaluable and has really improved the design.

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