Wednesday 11 December 2013


For my visualisations I wanted to inject a little flair and personality. I wasted to film myself from above with a green piece of card over my phone then pretend to use the app. I would then use keying and tracking to place the app on my phones screen. I thought however, that this would be difficult, time consuming and probably not come out as well as I hope. It would be difficult to place my hand in the exact right spot when I couldn't actually see the app on the screen. The fact that my finger would be slightly off the mark could prove distracting and problematic for the viewer. I thought of separating the two and filming just my hands over a green screen and then compositing them over the phone in After Effects. As I had that thought I thought that somebody must have already done this and done it better than I could as I don't have a green screen so I would have to fashion one and I don't have lighting so it would be difficult to get a clean key without spill.

Sure enough there was a few videos online. This one by 'Agustin Fioriti' looked perfect:

It is very professionally lit and the green screen is one constant colour, perfect for keying. There is a modicum of motion blur however, on the swipes and quicker hand movements but it looks manageable. The hand is lit nicely and the hand looks like the hand of a typical Apple product user or at least the image of an Apple user that Apple promotes. This video was perfect for my visualisations as it meant that I could scrub through the clip to the correct gesture and then find the frame where the hand is furthest down and place it with pixel perfect accuracy in the correct place. This look of hyper-perfection is really reminiscent of Apple commercials and I think it works really well to add that hint of professionalism and flair to my visualisations. It's that little extra effort that goes further than little red circles to illustrate a button press.

These are my final visualisations:

I think that the hand being used to illustrate clicks and swiped not only looks better and more professional but it also makes it far clearer as to what gestures do what and where on the screen you have to press/swipe. I also think that the text along the right hand side of the devices really add to the visualisations as they help to clarify what is happening and illustrate all of the features. Overall I am very happy with how these turned out.

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