Sunday 25 November 2012

Film Noir

This is a very important aspect of film history to take note of and take inspiration from. It came around in the 1940's and is largely thought to have run until the 1950's. It derives themes and aesthetic choices from German expressionist cinematography and, for the most part, combines that with hardboiled American crime fiction that was written during the depression.

The films are black and white with very high contrast. The term film noir is actually French, it means "black film". It is a very striking, extreme, gritty look which applies to the subject matter of a gritty crime thriller very aptly. Here are some stills to elucidate my point:

As you can see the very prominent and unique style to all of these examples is very identifiable. As I previously mentioned it is tied in with the crime thriller style very closely and is what I picture when I think of the fictional crime thriller genre. I can take points from this style and genre and apply them to my final design. The dark, seedy, gritty setting and imagery could be quite provocative and attention grabbing on a book cover.

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