Thursday 11 October 2012

American 1930's Posters

This is a great art style that I have been influenced by a lot throughout my life as a lot of the cartoons I grew up watching have a very similar art style. The main aesthetic themes are that of minimalism for the most part. Particularly with colours. One colour will be used for one aspect of the image, there is very little focus on detailed shading or intricate representations of objects. There is just a block of colour to represent objects. There are some more intricate designs in the foreground that may be a tad more adventurous however, certainly in the background all of the shapes and objects are just solid, basic blocks of colour.

Example #1:

This poster is so simplistic and blocky. I really like the art style, the font face and the composition. It has such a nostalgic feeling and yet is quite contemporary in how colourful and geometric the shapes are. I think that this has for me, the most pleasing aesthetic qualities. The other styles I have seen are all a little too plain or a little too intense I think. However, this design balances the two perfectly. The colours work really well together as well. They are vibrant, bright and cartoony but it really fits in with the style of the shapes and overall message. This design works really, really well and I think has inspired me more than any of the other styles I have reviewed thus far.

Example #2:

This again has the same style as the previous poster however, there is a little more detail and definition in this design. However, as you can see in the cord and snow it is largely just a solid block of colour that is shaped to represent certain objects. I again really like this design a lot. It's simplicity is so well calculated. It works really well without becoming too abstract. The cartoony style really appeals to me also. The colours also all work really well. The way that they are not the colours that should accurately represent what they depict yet they still do, more so in some ways. Trees aren't blue and neither are people or snow however, it still works really well and really vividly depicts a cold atmosphere.

Example #3:

This poster is the most abstract of the three however, it doesn't stray too far into the abstract that it becomes too strange. The main thing that separates it is its complete lack of any setting. The thing that fills the page is the sky which is such an unusual colour it makes it quite detached from normality, yet it still works and is relatable. The other designs have odd coloured skies however, they are still colours that appear from time to time in certain places in the world. This colour is too strong to ever occur naturally and is quite intense. I do really like this design though. The typeface and layout are very unique and aesthetically strong. As is the imagery with the two planes, one landing in the sea and one flying conventionally over head.


Overall this is my favourite styles of all the ones I have seen. It is very strong and unique. It's cartoony style is used to perfection and the geometry of all the shapes and designs is used to quite an extent which gives the designs a really stylised, one of a kind feel however, it still is relatable and familiar. 

This is a graphical style also I feel I am least familiar with and so I think I would like to peruse this style further which means that this is the art style I shall be carrying forward with me into the final design process.

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