Thursday 23 May 2013


The crit went well. Everyone liked my designs and didn't really have much to improve. My iBook was unfinished at the time because I don't have access to the Bookry website from home for some reason which is really frustrating but overall everyone liked the design and didn't have any suggestions or improvements.

This process was still valuable however, although there wasn't any constructive criticism it still gave me the opportunity to talk through my products and explain all my design choices. This mean that I had to think myself why I chose each and every aspect and solidify it in my own head. I got to step out of my shoes as a designer and see it in a different light and apart from a few minor issues everything holds up and works well.

One thing that was picked up on was the continuity. People really liked how well my website and my iBook work together. There is a really strong sense of brand identity and that is really important. 

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