Overall I have really liked this project. It has given me a strong insight into the freelance world and what it's like to work with clients and work to a tight deadline. I have learnt an extraordinary amount about the programs I've used, the industry, freelancing and much more. I think working to someone else's vision is really humbling. You can't afford to be proud or stubborn you have to listen to them. I've made the odd album art cover for local bands before and experienced that on a subdued level but it was good experiencing it when there's more on the line and more to loose.
I have really enjoyed the whole process. It was more relaxed in structure which was nice. It was completely up to me whether I did enough work and I chose which direction I took for nearly every aspect. It was liberating and a little unnerving but brilliant over all.
I was really lucky to have a really enthusiastic client who was genuinely excited and interested in what I was doing. Especially with seeing the state other classmates were in with no contact what-so-ever. That I think really helped me and inspired to work as hard as I could.
The only downsides were with the time limit. The only reason I struggled with it though was because of the nature of the design that I wanted to pursue. If I had done more simplistic motion graphics the time limit wouldn't have been an issue. However, rotoscoping is one of the most time consuming things on the planet and so caused a lot of issues. I did see however, how in the real world the time constraint wouldn't be as big an issue as the client can often be a bit more flexible than the University can.
I am really proud of all my sequences though. They all came out better than I could have expected. I loved doing the sound design and I think that is where I learnt the most. I was only using Premiere Pro to construct the mix which is a very bare bones audio editor. I didn't even touch EQ or compression or anything. That is for another project I think. But seeing how much the audio improved the piece was amazing and I can't wait to do more with it.
Once again I loved this project and am now excited to do more with Latest Sport and more projects like it in the future.